
At the beginning of the state, the problems we encounter everywhere today, were initiated by pointing us, by ignorance or otherwise, in the direction of serfdom.

The need to help was the priority, but the method was one designed for control.

Today we find the same political parties, after all that time, trying to stay alive by covering up their years of neglect & plastering to veil as a solution, on an open scar that required stitching. In their trusting ignorance, people have been taken to a position where they believe entitlement is their right, without being made aware of the cost or the damage to the very society they were trying to build that this abomination brings.

The avarice is strong at both ends of the spectrum, each entrenched because governments, in ignorance & design, have allowed them so. Going forward, we must walk back through a time of education & subsequently, self-reliance.

This has to be a step by step method, & to avoid unnecessary hardship modern day psychological feudalism must be rebuked & eventually replaced by a free market system where people are encouraged to think & decide for themselves.

“Government policies for all, not just the chosen few…”